“Golden-plating” in climate change policy: Austrian stakeholders call for technology-open approach

A pragmatic approach prioritising efficiency improvements in buildings is needed to deliver on Europe’s climate and energy policy targets


 Eurofuel’s member IWO-Austria organised on 19 October 2017 in Vienna a very successful high-level policy symposium on “Golden-plating in climate change policy”. Prominent speakers and panellists included former EU Commissioner and Minister Franz Fischler, former Minister Rudolf Hundstorfer, MEP Paul Rübig, a senior official from Austria’s Economic Affairs Ministry, Michael Losch, as well as Eurofuel’s President Dr Ernst-Moritz Bellingen.

The panel exchanged views on the best approach for Austria to reach EU climate and energy policy goals. All speakers agreed that the idea of banning certain energy sources or technologies was a mistake and should be avoided. MEP Rübig spoke instead of “implementing the targets in a clever way” and stressed the importance of energy efficiency improvements in buildings and heating systems. Former Minister Hundstorfer criticised the fact that oil boiler modernisation would no longer be accounted for as an energy efficiency measure in 2018, which would in particular penalise poorer households. All panellists acknowledged the importance of a diverse energy mix and welcomed Eurofuel’s pathway for a progressive move towards low-carbon innovative liquid fuels, presented by Dr Bellingen.

Panellists IWO Austrias symposium 191017          Attendance IWO Austrias symposium 191017 2

Photos: IWO-Österreich/APA-Fotoservice/Schedl


Find out more on IWO-Austria’s website (in German)