HVO - a practical, green alternative to heating oil for rural homes

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Quel avenir pour le fioul domestique ?

Quel avenir pour le fioul domestique?

IDW 21 Virtual Platform (full video)

Eurofuel participates in International Downstream Week

Eurofuel NORA Conference Day 1 May 20, 2021

Eurofuel NORA Conference Day 2 May 27, 2021

Eurofuel / NORA event 2021

IWO ISH 2021 Animation Modellvorhaben

German language

Les combustibles pauvres en carbone au service de la protection du climat

French subtitles

Koolstofarme brandstoffen voor klimaatbescherming

Dutch subtitles

IWO field tests

German language

Let's draw a future proof heating

EN subtitles

Dessinons le chauffage de demain

FR subtitles

3 stappenplan koolstofarm verwarmen Eurofuel

Dutch subtitles

Let's draw a future proof heating - German subtitles

German subtitles

Let's draw a future proof heating

EN subtitles

ISH2021 - Teaser EN

Eurofuel contributed to ISH 2021. In the discussions about renewables, one of the focus was the role of liquid fuels. “In the light of the future: Green fuels as a Green Deal-perspective for the heating market” was the title of the event presented by IWO Germany and Eurofuel on 25 March. Some key questions were addressed: Are Green Fuels the gamechanger for the climate-neutral future of modern condensing technology? What does a boiler label “Green Fuels ready” mean for the customer?

ISH2021 - Green fuels perspective for the heating market

Eurofuel contributed to ISH 2021. In the discussions about renewables, one of the focus was the role of liquid fuels. “In the light of the future: Green fuels as a Green Deal-perspective for the heating market” was the title of the event presented by IWO Germany and Eurofuel on 25 March. Some key questions were addressed: Are Green Fuels the gamechanger for the climate-neutral future of modern condensing technology? What does a boiler label “Green Fuels ready” mean for the customer?

Day 4: Welcome by John Huber, President of NORA, and Moritz Bellingen, President of Eurofuel

Oilheating in the US & equipment response

Dr. Thomas A. Butcher, NORA Mario Bouchard, OMA, Granby Industries Alan Chmiel, R.W. Beckett Corp. Jim Jones, Carlin Combustion Technology

Butcher - Big benefits from modernizing home heating equipment

Sabbati - Heating Equipment in Europe: Standards, Innovation & Replacement Cycles

Heating Equipment in Europe: Discussion

Guido Saenen, Riello Federica Sabati, EHI Jerome Lamey, Suntec Dr. Norbert Azuma-Dicke, Viessmann Group Raphael Lang, Bosch Buderus Giuliano Conticini, Ariston Thermo Group

Marran - Domestic Heating and Hot Water in the U.S.: Game Changers

Halper - Integrating Heating Equipment: Solar & Liquid Fuels Working Together

Köb - EU Field tests

Wrap up Day 4

Report of the NORA/Eurofuel event 2020 - Day 4

Day 3: Welcome by John Huber, President of NORA, and Moritz Bellingen, President of Eurofuel

Luka - Multiple Pathways to a Low-Carbon Future

Klaus Luka will describe the efforts at IWO to develop low carbon alternative fuels. There are a number of approaches that could provide the appropriate liquid fuels.

Slade - Biodiesel & Renewable Diesel: Understanding Environmental Benefits

Dave Slade will describe the fuels that REG has developed to serve emerging markets in California and the world. These fuels include renewable diesel and biodiesel, as well as a biodiesel designed to be a heavy oil replacement and a biodiesel that has been further distilled. Dave will also present a study on how biofuels are the most efficient way of reducing atmospheric carbon due to the ability to rapidly introduce them into markets.

Alberdi - Biodiesel: Best Answer for the EU?

Angel Alberdi will discuss the variety of fuels available in the EU. He will evaluate and discuss the biodiesels available from waste oil and their extremely attractive global warming scores and why they provide great value to the EU.

Stohr - Renewable Diesel: Only the Carbon Score Changes

Renewable diesel or hydrogenated vegetable oil has seen a very strong growth curve. Partly this has been driven by the California low carbon fuel standard. However, renewable diesel does not impact NOX emissions from motor vehicles and can be transported on the pipeline system. For many, it is a direct replacement for petroleum and loved by environmental regulators.

Butcher/ Rogers - Cellulosic Fuels: Development in the U.S.

The state of Maine is trying to reduce carbon, incentivize heat pumps in a very cold climate. Dead River Co. has been working with NORA to develop and commercialize ethyl levulinate (EL), a liquid fuel made from cellulosic materials. EL has a wide variety of feedstocks, low pour point and is very stable. Presented will be two field studies on how this product might enter the market.

Böltken - From CO2 & Renewable Power to Liquid Hydrocarbons

One of the biggest challenges to move to an electricified economy is that wind and solar are not always generating power when the grid needs it and sometimes they are producing more power than the grid needs. Could that excess electricity be converted to a usable liquid fuel—thus, having a fuel that stores well and is ready for a variety of users throughout Europe. Tim will highlight advances in this technology and how to move it forward.

McCormick - Future Fuels: Co-Optima

Fuels and their users have danced a complicated tango since the early days of the automobile. The fights between oil companies and automobile dealers are legend. Bob will discuss the efforts they are undertaking to align next generation fuels with next generation equipment, trying to optimize the benefits of both sides of the equation.

Butcher - High Biodiesel Blends: Lessons Learned, Challenges & Best Practices

Fuels and their users have danced a complicated tango since the early days of the automobile. The fights between oil companies and automobile dealers are legend. Bob will discuss the efforts they are undertaking to align next generation fuels with next generation equipment, trying to optimize the benefits of both sides of the equation.

Eiden - Fuel Quality Solutions

The key to all effective heating systems is having a quality fuel in the system. In Germany, fuels are often stored in excess of a year. Simon will describe OWI’s efforts to develop and evaluate additives that work effectively with petroleum and biodiesel.

Wrap up Day 3

Report of the NORA/Eurofuel event 2020 - Day 3

Day 2: Welcome by John Huber, President of NORA, and Moritz Bellingen, President of Eurofuel

Nazzaro - Biofuels: Can they answer our market

Paul Nazzaro currently serves as the primary interface between the biofuels industry and the petroleum industry. He has been focused on bringing biodiesel into the heating oil market for nearly 20 years. Paul will highlight the challenges of working with a fuel with slightly different properties. He will address what steps need to be taken to handle biodiesel and the logistical changes that are occurring so it can enter the market.

Voets - Boundary Conditions: Restrictions in the EU

Changing from a petroleum system to a system fueled with liquid fuels is not as easy as turning a switch or changing suppliers. There are many regulatory hurdles that must be crossed prior to introducing a new fuel. Willem will describe the regulatory impediments now in place and the steps being taken to overcome them.

Trunzo - Biofuels for Heating: Which government policies will work

During the founding of the United States, the states were described as laboratories where different policies could be tried. As such, that is where most of the pollicies for carbon reduction reside. Michael will describe several of those major policies that are either enacted by the states or are under active consideration, and how the industry is responding to them.

Schäfer - Incentives for Low Carbon Fuels: Taxation & other tools in the EU

It is undisputed that low carbon fuels are needed to reach the ambitious climate targets. An important trigger to increase the market share of these fuels is law, which at the moment rather prevents an increased production and usage. Florian will describe the current policy framework on low carbon fuels in the European Union and present Eurofuel’s recommendations for adapting the regulatory framework in order to create greater incentives for their production and usage.

Wrap up Day 2

Report of the NORA/Eurofuel event 2020 - Day 2

Day 1: Welcome by John Huber, President of NORA, and Moritz Bellingen, President of Eurofuel

Huber - Overview of U.S. government’s activities to achieve a lower carbon economy

John Huber, President of NORA, gives an overview of U.S. government’s activities to achieve a lower carbon economy as well as what effect the November elections could have. After the U.S. withdrew from the Paris accords, most of the states in heating oil territory signed onto the Paris accords and enacted aggressive greenhouse gas policies.

Trunzo - Overview of U.S. government’s activities to achieve a lower carbon economy

Michael Trunzo (Director Gov’t Affairs & Association Management at Shenker, Russo & Clark LLP) focuses of the government activities of several of the states of U.S. government’s activities to achieve a low-carbon future. After the U.S. withdrew from the Paris accords, most of the states in heating oil territory signed onto the Paris accords and enacted aggressive greenhouse gas policies.

Devos - Overview of the EU activities to achieve a lower-carbon eonomy

Sandrine Devos (Secretary General of Eurofuel) describes the activities of the European Union and their goals. She will then describe the complex relationship between the EU in Brussels, and how the goals of the EU are translating to policies in the member states.

Moriarta - Multi-Dimensional decarbonization planning for residential buildings

Moriarta Moriarta (NYSERDA) will provide an overview of New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) an implementation plan toward a carbon neutral economy. She will then describe what will be necessary to have a successful implementation. How does a transition to electricity affect the need for improved efficiency in buildings, and can that be done cost effectively? Other than electricity, what role can clean heating fuels play in New York’s energy planning scenarios?

Nourigat - Liquid fuel producers - Makers of today’s fuel—what about tomorrow? Part 1

A conversion to low-carbon fuels presents unique challenges and opportunities to traditional manufacturers & distributors. This panel of representatives from integrated oil companies will discuss how they plan to respond to the low carbon challenges.

Manno - Liquid fuel producers - Makers of today’s fuel—what about tomorrow? Part 2

A conversion to low-carbon fuels presents unique challenges and opportunities to traditional manufacturers & distributors. This panel of representatives from integrated oil companies will discuss how they plan to respond to the low carbon challenges.

Slifka - Liquid fuel producers - Makers of today’s fuel—what about tomorrow? Part 3

A conversion to low-carbon fuels presents unique challenges and opportunities to traditional manufacturers & distributors. This panel of representatives from integrated oil companies will discuss how they plan to respond to the low carbon challenges.

Froehlich & Simler - Liquid fuel producers - Makers of today’s fuel—what about tomorrow? Part 4

A conversion to low-carbon fuels presents unique challenges and opportunities to traditional manufacturers & distributors. This panel of representatives from integrated oil companies will discuss how they plan to respond to the low carbon challenges.

Weiss - Liquid fuel producers - Makers of today’s fuel—what about tomorrow? Part 5

A conversion to low-carbon fuels presents unique challenges and opportunities to traditional manufacturers & distributors. This panel of representatives from integrated oil companies will discuss how they plan to respond to the low carbon challenges.

Liquid Fuel Producers Q&A

Bellingen - Eurofuel’s Vision & Road Map

How should the industry respond to the challenges of low carbon fuels? Dr. Moritz Bellingen will describe the process the industry in Europe undertook to have a response to the growing policy efforts undermining the sale of petroleum products and the results of that process.

Uglietto - U.S. Heating Oil: What is the strategy?

Cubby Fuel retails both residential & commercial heating oil in the Boston market as well as operates an active service department. Cubby began retailing high-blends of biodiesel (B-20) and they are now working to move to B-40. Charlie will present his experiences with higher blends & efforts of the industry to develop a policy to respond to low-carbon demands. At an industry meeting of 200 retailers, a resolution to point a pathway forward was passed and Charlie is leading the way to have it implemented.

Wrap up Day 1

Report of the NORA/Eurofuel event 2020 - Day 1

Combustibles liquides renouvelables - HVO (skip to 1s)

Field tests with HVO in Belgium

Low carbon fuels Biomass to Liquid

A ‘Kanaal Z’ production. Demonstration plants are already available for Biomass to Liquid process (BtL). BtL are drop in products. This means that they can be easily used in conventional liquid fuel heating systems. The benefit for the consumers is to keep their existing reliable heating system without the need for any major investment or significant changes , while contributing to the energy transition.

Low carbon fuels Biomass to Liquid

A ‘Kanaal Z’ production. Demonstration plants are already available for Biomass to Liquid process (BtL). BtL are drop in products. This means that they can be easily used in conventional liquid fuel heating systems. The benefit for the consumers is to keep their existing reliable heating system without the need for any major investment or significant changes , while contributing to the energy transition.

Interview - Testing future fuels as a manufacturer

Interview - Testing future fuels as a manufacturer

Renewable liquid fuels - the German example

Renewable liquid fuels - the German example