Energy Efficiency Directive: Setting the right priorities

“Energy Efficiency First” has rightly become a central objective in the European Union’s energy and climate policies. This was confirmed with today’s vote on a revised directive on energy efficiency in the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Committee.


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Representing the oil and liquid fuel heating sector in Europe, Eurofuel is delighted to see the primacy of energy efficiency supported by a majority of MEPs. We welcome in this regard the decision to avoid the introduction of overlapping or conflicting objectives relating to the promotion of renewable energy sources, which should be addressed in the respective legislation.  

Eurofuel also supports the possibility for Member States to use a range of alternative measures to energy efficiency obligations. In the field of heating, liquid fuel suppliers are often small enterprises for which strict sale reduction obligations would not be appropriate. The use of alternative mechanisms has proven to be successful in this field, as the continued increase in efficiency can attest.  

The comparative treatment of electricity against other fuels within the so-called “primary energy factor” still raises a number of questions. Tristan Suffys, the Secretary General of Eurofuel, stated: “The decision to reduce the coefficient allocated to electricity will artificially make electrical solutions appear more efficient, although the proposed number rather reflects an aspirational view of a greener source of energy than what it is today.” 

Eurofuel has long advocated for a “marginal approach”, a system mirroring the real impact of electricity generated to cover the supplementary demand. “Our proposed system has unfortunately not been accepted. However, the adoption of a more realistic figure would at least enable to keep a fair treatment of all energy sources according to their merits.” Eurofuel is therefore calling upon MEPs and the Council to adopt a coefficient no lower than 2.3.

The whole liquid fuel heating sector will join forces and continue to promote the modernisation of heating systems as a contribution to the objectives set in the directive. Energy efficiency gains of 30% and beyond can be achieved with the replacement of an old oil boiler with a new condensing oil boiler, which will be suitable for an increased renewable content in the fuel or the coupling with solar or other renewable heating system. 

Eurofuel invites EU institution negotiators to finalise the new directive in this spirit and looks forward to meeting the challenges ahead.


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