Renewable Energy Directive: A future-proof legislation?

Members of the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Committee adopted today an important report which should contribute to the deployment of renewable energy sources in various sectors, including heating and cooling.

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Eurofuel, the European Heating Oil Association, welcomes the MEPs’ strong support for a solid legislative framework.

As regards residential heating, MEPs supported a 2 percent annual increase in each Member State’s share of renewables as of 2020. This high level of ambition would require a wide range of energy sources and technologies. Our sector is determined to support the transition in particular through the physical incorporation of innovative low-emission substances from bio or synthetic origin into liquid fuels for heating, as well as the continued deployment of hybrid heating system based on liquid fuels. Parallel increases in the efficiency of heating appliances will further contribute to a proportional growth in the share of renewable sources in heating.

Tristan Suffys, Eurofuel’s Secretary General, said: “Liquid fuels provide a perfect basis for the development of renewables, providing a reliable supply and easy transportation. Currently available bioliquids and future fuels involving “power-to-liquid” or “e-fuels” represent promising perspectives for heating systems using liquid fuels.

A condition for success will, however, be an easy access to the raw materials, and in particular sources of carbon coming from bioenergy, waste or other origin. Suffys added, “An annual increase of renewables by 2 percent requires flexibility to use all possible energy sources, provided they are sustainable. A future-proof and technology-open approach is also indispensable here, as new processes and technologies may develop in the coming years.

Eurofuel invites negotiators in the EU institutions to carefully consider this aspect when setting the right level of ambition in the final directive, which will determine investments in tomorrow’s renewable solutions.


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