Heating and Cooling Strategy : Eurofuel calls for technology-open approach to achieve more sustainable solutions

Eurofuel welcomed the adoption of the EU Strategy for Heating and Cooling by the European Commission in February 2016 and the ongoing works of the European Parliament on this text, which represent an important milestone for a sector accounting for a major part of energy used and greenhouse gas emissions in the EU.

However, a clear principle-based approach to reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in heating and cooling would be more effective than interventionistic policies promoting certain technologies and banning others.

Find out more in our Position Paper
pdfEurofuel Position Paper – Heating Cooling Strategy 230516

Eurofuel welcomed the adoption of the EU Strategy for Heating and Cooling by the European Commission in February 2016 and the ongoing works of the European Parliament on this text, which represent an important milestone for a sector accounting for a major part of energy used and greenhouse gas emissions in the EU.

However, a clear principle-based approach to reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in heating and cooling would be more effective than interventionistic policies promoting certain technologies and banning others.

Find out more in our Position Paper
pdfEurofuel Position Paper – Heating Cooling Strategy 230516